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Vehicle Sound Design & Implemintation

I am almost coming up to a year of part study now over at Thinkspace and I've entered the area of Vehicle implementation, this is the first for me as most of the projects I've been involved in have been FPS or 3rd person shooter-type scenarios.

This module consists of 3 projects, a cartoon-style Kart racer, a classic car game, and a rally sim, I thought I’d share some of the work so far on the Kart simulator to keep track of progress. There have been a number of challenges with this one including multiple cars, generic events that cover several functions, and of course the limited RTPCs attached to the vehicle engines so for me this was a challenge to design something with as much detail as possible with very little in terms of in engine set up.

Here’s a breakdown I recently did for social media, please note there is some slight profanity in the first few seconds of the video for comedic effect, feel free to skip to get to the good stuff.


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